The Madison County Recreation Association, Inc Board of Directors invite you to join in celebrating our 20th of May 2023 Jubilee Celebration. Listed below is a list of fun activities that are being planned for this great celebration.

  • Saturday, May 13, at 5:00 pm, the celebration kicks off with a pageant at the Madison County Recreation Center. Contact Tamara Johnson at (850)464-6227 for more information.

  • Saturday, May 20th at 12 noon, a Memorial Service will be held at Recreation Center.

  • Friday, May 19th at 6:00 pm, the Heritage Banquet will be held at Divine Events 5806 NE Colin.

Tickets for this event are $75.00 and can be purchased by contacting: Ms. Jennifer Poore (Madison County Chamber of Commerce), Donna Mobley-(850) 491-8168; Renee Alexander-(850) 869-0250, Rosa Richardson-(850) 524-0861; Rev Ernest Bruton- (850) 673-7226; Donnell Davis- (850) 673-9533; Mosley Lee Barfield- (850) 464-1213; Ronnie Moore (850) 464-1605

  • Saturday, May 20 st at 10:00 am, the parade will kick off. The parade will start at Sumter James Park and will end at the Madison County Recreation Center.

  • Saturday, May 20th , vendors, and activities on the grounds of the Rec Center to include but not limited to:

    • A Cake auction at 12:00 noon, Gospel Music performances, Gospel Musical Chairs for the youth, games to include flag football, sack racing, face painting, a Car Show, Medical Mobile Units will be on site to provide COVID testing and vaccinations

  • Sunday, May 21st , Worship Service, Mt Zion Madison AME

Please note the following:

Parade Registration: Please see parade participation form for fees.

Contact: Ray Mobley, Tamara Johnson, and the Madison County Chamber of Commerce at 224 SW Range Ave. 850-973-2788

Vendor Registration: Non-Profits and Religious Organizations- $45.00; For Profits-$70.00 Contact Ozie Richardson (850) 464-0073

Tee Shirts: M-XL/$10.00; 2XL/$12,00; 3XL/$13.00;4XL/$14.0- Contact Tamara Johnson (850) 464-6227

Souvenir Booklet: Please reserve your space in the booklet by Friday April 29th.

Contact Ray Mobley- (850) 445-7423 or Rosa Ricardson (850) 524-0861

Mailing Address. Box 172- Madison, FL 32341

**Funding provided by the Madison County Tourist Development Council**